The light across the Solway was rather interesting last night so I couldn’t resist of shot or three of the pre-sunset sky and scenery . |There was a very slight mistiness which seemed to catch the sunbeams and fill the middle ground with light, while the gaps in the cloud produced some striking lighting effects on the water. Just for good measure, whatever the mistiness was, it also enhanced the aerial perspective. These have been variously abused in Lightroom, although in the two colour shots I’ve done nothing to change the colours, only the relative contrast and exposure.
I quite like the differences which result from relatively small changes in framing and the somewhat larger changes in focal length. I also like the thought that despite not being an obvious subject for black and white treatment these images feel quite effective to me. A couple of these were taken through my back bedroom window – the others from a field behind the house - and all were taken within about 15 minutes of each other. Changes in the position of the sun and the cloud structure reduced the interest significantly after that.
One question I need to think about more carefully and write up here is why I like these 2:1 format crops. Looking back at my archive it’s not something new – although now I have the excuse to experiment I’m doing it more often.
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