Saturday, 30 November 2013

The last post

This is the final post on this blog – I got my results, and it’s fair to say I’m very happy with them a first for the module certainly exceeded my expectations by some measure. I would like to record a public vote of thanks to my tutor Simon – without whom I’d still be floundering around in the dark. I’d also like to thank everyone else who has taken the time to comment on any of these posts – although it may not always seem like it I have valued your contribution and the reassurance that I am not always talking to myself.

If you’d like to keep up with my continuing journey I’m now approaching the first assignment of the Documentary module – and recording my thoughts here.


  1. Congratulations, though you've set the bar high for your next module, onwards and upwards.

    1. Thanks Duncan. At least I know I can do it. Documentary is not my favourite stomping ground though.

  2. Congratulations Nigel - well done!

  3. Thanks Eileen - I shall look forward to your (and Duncan's) contributions over on my Documentary blog.
