Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Sometimes you need a bit of luck

It was Thursday morning – and fairly early for me as I had to drive to head office for a series of meetings. I had just popped into the front room to pick up my phone when a quick look through the window revealed the most stunning sunrise I recall seeing. I was just grabbing my cameras from a bag when my wife called to draw my attention to it. I’m sure it wasn’t there 5 minutes previously – and 5 minutes after these shots were taken it was completely unremarkable again. Project 18 calls for a series of shots across the sunrise – but no amount of recomposing was ever going to produce shots to match the colours or interest in these:

Sunrise over Skiddaw

This first one was taken on my E-P1 using an old OM 135mm with an adapter that I received for Christmas. I’m pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to use, although in this instance I think a tripod may have been helpful as the lens is a 270mm equivalent on the E-P1 and a little tricky to focus accurately while hand-holding.

The next three are attempts to produce very different photos on the basis of framing and focal length, with slight changes in position. They were all taken with a standard 14-54 zoom (28-108mm equivalent):

Sunrise over Skiddaw (vi)

Sunrise over Skiddaw (v)

Sunrise over Skiddaw (ii)

The first draws on the tree silhouettes in the foreground, the second is purely about the sky and the third includes the mountain for context.

While I was at it I tried to find a close foreground object to add some variety further variety, and settled on shooting through the bars of this gate.In the second of these two shots I used the cameras on-board flash for fill, and overall I think this adds significantly to the picture.

Sunrise over Skiddaw (iii) Sunrise over Skiddaw (iv)

1 comment:

  1. You certainly have to be quick to catch the light the way you want it, when it can change so quickly. A dash of luck always helps! The orange in the first one is stunning. On the final pair I think, when using the fill flash, it would have been interesting to see if you had taken a higher position to allow the horizon to come above the fence and 'free' the tree from its framing.
