Friday 14 September 2012

A visual sweet and sour

This is a little personal project I set myself, inspired by Assignment 2 – which I’m nowhere near ready for yet. One of the things which struck me most about Perth was the strong contrast of very modern architecture with something much closer to Victorian (which it may well have been). These shots are a reaction to that – they were all taken within about 15 minutes of each other, and within a few dozen yards of the junction of Hay Street and William Street.

Perth: Corner of Hay and William Streets (i)   Perth: Corner of Hay and William Streets (iii)   Perth: Corner of Hay and William Streets (v)

Perth: Corner of Hay and William Streets (iv)   Perth: Corner of Hay and William Streets (vi)   Perth: Corner of Hay and William Streets (ii)

My favourites are the 1st, 3rd and 5th with their crazily receding verticals playing havoc with natural perspective. Not sure I really understand why but I’ve always found this kind of treatment attractive, and I’ve always been interested in the visual contrast between old and modern buildings. Maybe it’s a kind  of safe ‘rebellion’. The ‘How to’ mags are full of tips on how to avoid receding verticals, but I feel that they add a kind of wild dynamic which captures the feel of modern buildings and vibrant cities more effectively. The same is at least partly true for the contrasts. They enhance both the old and the modern – a kind of visual sweet and sour that captures the cosmopolitan feel of the city.

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